Staying On Track

Your Phase 2 Transition Plan

Estimated Time
HMR Team
November 3, 2022


Phase 2 gives you practical tools to help you avoid falling back into old habits that don't support your health goals, which we know can be so easy to do. And, if you do fall back, you’ll also learn how to reverse the trend quickly.  

Here’s how to get a strong start in the healthy lifestyle phase of the program:
  • Avoid weight gain by maintaining a high level of structure, especially in the first few weeks.

  • Keep up most of your Phase 1 eating routines (including the use of HMR foods).

  • Follow the transition plan below, to gradually introduce other healthy foods, including lean proteins and whole grains.

Your Phase 2 Transition Plan:

Over the next 4 weeks, you'll gradually add in lean proteins and grains, while also maintaining the daily structure of Phase 1. This will help to reduce your food decisions and maintain a feeling of control while you adjust your daily healthy eating plan.

And while this transition plan covers 4 weeks, you can continue to maintain this structure of the Phase 1 eating plan, with some lean proteins and whole grains, for as long as you’d like - especially if you'd like to continue to lose weight in Phase 2. You can also download this transition plan to help you stay on track.

So, just to recap, over the next 4 weeks, in addition to the proteins and grains you'll be adding in, you'll continue to eat a daily minimum of: 

User-added image
  • 3 HMR Shakes

  • 2 HMR Entrees

  • 5 servings of fruits and vegetables


Coaches Tip: When you are eating lean proteins, combine them with lots of vegetables and/or fruits. Think of fruits and vegetables as the main elements on your plate, and the proteins and grains more like condiments that round out your healthy meal with flavor and variety. This “to do” strategy is more effective than trying to use willpower to limit your portion sizes.



Weeks 1 & 2: Focus on Lean Proteins

On one or more days this week, replace an entree with a measured portion of lean protein, paired with at least 2 servings of vegetables and/or fruits. 

By incorporating meals that include a lean protein (for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner) over the next 2 weeks, you will practice and get a feel for preparing your lean proteins in ways that will support your weight management. Experiment with different proteins, prepared in different ways to find what you love (grilling, baking, and poaching are all great ways to avoid added calories and fat from high-calorie sauces, spreads, and oils).

Here are some ideas for adding lean proteins into your healthy meals…

  • Make a satisfying salad bowl, topped with 4 oz. of grilled chicken or lean ground turkey
  • Scramble 2 eggs with sautéed spinach and peppers
  • Enjoy roasted veggies with 5 oz. baked salmon


Weeks 3 & 4: Focus on Whole Grains

On one or more days this week, replace a shake or an entree with a measured portion of grains.

Just as with lean proteins, pairing your grains with lots of fruit and vegetables is a great way to create filling meals and snacks that help you manage portions without having to feel deprived. 


Here are some ideas for adding grains to your healthy meals…

  • Make a "grain bowl" with 1/2 – 1 cup cooked quinoa with roasted veggies and baked fish
  • Prepare 2 eggs with sautéed veggies, and a side of whole wheat toast
  • Fuel up with 1 cup of cooked oatmeal topped with fresh or frozen berries

Additional Phase 2 Resources: 

Beyond this transition period, we recommend following a healthy lifestyle structure that we call the “Triple Imperative.” The Triple Imperative® continues to focus on our tried and true healthy weight management behaviors that can really help you stay on track, while you also add other healthy foods to your diet. 

Another useful tool to help you choose foods that will support your weight and health management is the Healthy Eating Guide. This tool provides a ton of great inspiration to help you answer the question "what else can I eat?!" 

