Staying On Track

9 Ways to Stay on the Diet while Traveling

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HMR Team
July 7, 2022
Being away from home and your typical routine can present challenges for staying on the diet. That just means it will take a little extra planning and new strategies to make sure you have what you need to continue losing weight.

  1. Pack more than enough
    If your diet foods aren’t with you, you can’t eat them. So it is important to pack even more HMR shakes, entrees, and fruits and vegetables so you can continue to eat as much as you need to avoid hunger. 
  2. Snack smartly
    Bars, puddings, and entrees are a traveler’s best friend. HMR BeneFit Bars, HMR 70 Plus pudding, and even room-temperature entrees can be eaten anywhere with almost no preparation. Fruit cups, bananas, grapes apples, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and sugar snap peas are all very portable and will fit nicely in your carry-on or travel bag.
  3. Look up local stores
    Go online and search for grocery stores near your destination. That way you can shop for fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Ask ahead of time
    Many hotels can provide a microwave and refrigerator in your room. You can also talk to the bartender. Many will be more than happy to blend a shake for you.
  5. Plan for restaurants
    Most restaurants have an abundance of vegetables on the menu. Call ahead and ask questions about the menu so you can sit down and confidently place an order that will keep you on the diet.
  6. Meet your minimums
    Temptation is everywhere when you travel. Make sure to keep eating your minimums and avoid relying on your own willpower.
  7. Bring a hand-held shaker
    Shaker bottles are a fast and easy way to make shakes when a blender is not available.
  8. Make a shake with bottled water
    You can use any bottle of water from a convenience store to make an impromptu shake. Just drink a little water off the top, carefully pour in the shake powder, shake it up, and go.
  9. Keep your records current
    Just because you are out of town doesn’t mean you can take a vacation from keeping records. Staying up-to-date with your records will help you stay connected to your diet, and reinforce your positive behaviors.
