Eating Well

HMR Weight-Loss Shakes: Everything You Need to Know

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HMR Team
September 29, 2023


The shakes used in the HMR weight-loss and maintenance programs provide a low-calorie, nutrient-dense, satisfying meal or snack, and are a key component of all HMR diet plans. Since HMR was founded in 1983, we’ve developed a variety of weight-loss shakes, plus multigrain hot cereal, chicken soup, and a variety of entrees, and snack bars. Here’s everything you need to know about HMR Shakes to help you make the right choice for your diet and lifestyle. 

How to choose the weight-loss shake that’s right for you:

If you’re participating in the Healthy Solutions at-home diet plan, we recommend using the HMR 120 Shake or, if you need a lactose-free option, the HMR 70 Plus Shake.

If you’re participating in the HMR program at a weight-loss clinic, on either the Decision-Free or Healthy Solutions diet plans, please speak directly with your Health Coach and the medical staff there to decide which HMR Shake is best for your nutritional needs and weight-loss goals.

If you have any questions about the shakes on your diet plan, or if you ever want to try a different shake product, you can always give us a call directly at 800-418-1367, Monday-Friday, 9 am-4 pm ET. You can also edit your orders by logging into your account.

What’s the difference between all the HMR Shakes - and what’s with those names?!
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HMR 120
our most popular shake mix…

This shake was formulated with all of the recommended daily vitamins and minerals for a healthy adult mixed directly into the shake powder, so you don’t need to take an additional multivitamin. Each HMR 120 Shake serving provides up to 35% of the daily value for calcium, vitamins, and minerals. This shake was originally introduced as part of the Healthy Solutions diet (consisting of a daily minimum of 3 HMR Shakes, 2 HMR Entrees, and 5 servings of fruits and vegetables).

Unlike the other shake varieties that are packaged into individual pouches, the HMR 120 comes in an economical canister with a scoop. If you’re traveling, you can simply pre-portion the HMR 120 into individual snack bags (1 rounded scoop per bag) for on-the-go portioned shake packets. Each serving provides 120 calories, which is where this shake got its name, and 12g of filling protein. If you are participating in the Healthy Solutions at-home program, and do not need a lactose-free shake, we recommend the HMR 120 Shake.

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HMR 70 Plus
our lactose-free shake mix…

This shake is designed for anyone who is lactose-intolerant or if you experience digestive issues when using any of the other shake varieties. The name of this shake originated from one of the diets from HMR’s early days, which consisted of five HMR 70 Plus Shakes per day. The diet provided just over 70g of protein, giving it the name, 70 Plus. Each serving provides 110 calories and 15g of protein, so not only is it low in calories but it’s also very filling.

Regardless of which shake product you use primarily, we encourage you to keep a stash of HMR 70 Plus Shakes in your pantry because not only can it be blended into a smoothie, it can also be whisked into a rich and delicious instant pudding for a lower volume snack. Here are some of our favorite HMR pudding recipes. The pudding is also great for travel since it can be made directly in its packet – just add water and stir with a fork or spoon. This shake is great for anyone on any of the HMR plans.

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HMR 800
our richest shake mix…

The HMR 800 is another shake from our original line of HMR products. HMR 800 Shakes are typically used in an HMR weight-loss clinic setting for program members participating in a Low Calorie Diet (LCD), comprised of 800 calories, and only under HMR medical supervision. This is our thickest, creamiest, and therefore, most filling shake. Each serving contains 160-170 calories (depending on the flavor – chocolate or vanilla) and 17g of filling protein. This is a great shake to try if you want a thicker consistency and something that might keep you fuller for longer.

Shop HMR 800

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When using the HMR 500 and 800 Shakes as part of one of the HMR weight-loss plans, we strongly recommend individuals also take a daily multivitamin, which is provided in the shake box.
*HMR Multigrain Hot Cereal and HMR 500 Chicken Soup are other HMR products that can serve as shake substitutes on most HMR diet plans.


Even in Phase 2 (HMR’s maintenance plan), individuals often use weight-loss shakes as a guaranteed low-calorie and high-volume, filling snack or meal replacement to complement a balanced diet. Find the shake that’s right for you, and you’ll have a weight management tool for life, that you can use whenever you need it to cut calories and stay on track with your weight and health goals. Happy blending!
