Reach Your Weight Loss Goals with a Health Coach

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HMR Team
May 14, 2024

Have you ever considered working with a health coach to help you reach your weight-loss goals? Health coaching is what makes us different from other diet plans, and our health coaches, along with HMR foods, are the foundation of the HMR plan.


HMR is not just a diet plan, but rather a holistic lifestyle change that encompasses nutrition, activity, and health coaching to help you lose weight and practice healthy behaviors for lasting change.


Our health coaching has been proven to be a huge benefit to our members. Our health coaches partner with you to improve your health and wellness, maximize your personal potential, and live life to the fullest. You can lose 3x more weight when you work with a health coach than on your own!


How do health coaches differ from other types of coaches?


Much like an athletic coach motivates athletes to achieve their optimal performance, a health coach does the same for your health and weight loss. 


A health coach uses their impeccable coaching skills to increase their clients' self-awareness, motivation, accountability, and confidence. Health coaches also provide support, feedback, and education.


An HMR health coach differs slightly from a dietician, who specializes in providing dietary advice, meal plans, and nutritional education. A health coach is also different than a life coach.


Our health coaches have lots of experience


Many of our coaches come from extensive backgrounds in nutrition and fitness, and have earned fitness and/or nutrition degrees. They have received in-depth training on the details of the HMR plans and foods, refined their coaching skills, and are committed to helping you live the best life possible by focusing on your overall health and wellness.


5 benefits of health coaching


Health coaching is a relationship built on trust, openness, and empathy. We offer group coaching, which consists of group discussions where you talk candidly about your weight-loss goals and challenges. You can also choose 1-on-1 coaching for more personalized support. whichever option you choose, together, you and your health coach create a plan to meet those goals.


Here are all the ways an HMR health coach can help you lose weight and live a healthier life:


1. Studies show you'll lose 3x more weight with a health coach


The impact of health coaching on your weight loss is real - studies prove it. Research has shown that people generally lose three times more weight when working with a health coach than when trying to lose weight on their own.


Health coaching is one of the main reasons HMR members on average lose 23 lbs. in 12 weeks.


Want lasting results? An HMR health coach will help you make it happen!


2. Health coaches provide motivation and support in your corner when it counts


Everyone benefits from having a coach, no matter what the skill is that they are practicing. A health coach encourages you through your challenges and celebrates those incremental victories that lead to your weight-loss goal.


Nearly everyone experiences times when their motivation to lose weight dips. That's when your health coach steps in as a safety net to understand your needs, offer support, and get you motivated and excited to keep going. They are committed to helping you achieve health behavior change.


3. Health coaching is a safe space


It's important to us that you are comfortable with our health coaching process. Our health coaches create a safe, trusted environment to be vulnerable in and talk openly about your struggles. They will offer you the support and no-judgment space to achieve that.


4. A health coach holds you accountable


Have you ever recruited a friend or family member to be your designated health coach or accountability buddy, then realize they aren't very good at health coaching? Unless your friend or family member is a trained health coach, it probably wasn't a successful experience.


That's not the case with a health coach or HMR's health coaching program.


Think of your health coach as an accountability partner who is always there for you. Goals are accomplished when you take ownership of your decisions. They help you hold yourself accountable for your choices and outcomes.


Health coaches identify your goals, help you unleash your potential, and hold you responsible for your actions. They are champions of your potential, sounding boards for your decision-making, and challengers of your blind spots. 


Ultimately, health coaches want to see you succeed in reaching your goal and know that holding you accountable is part of the process.


5. Health coaching has helped and changed the lives of many of our members


We've asked many of our members about their experience with their HMR health coach. Their health coaches have supported them and helped them reach their goals. Here is what a few of our clients had to say about their health coaches:


"The weekly coaching sessions make a big difference. There is something about knowing that a coach and a team are following your progress that helps you want to stay on track." - Susan

"The accountability I get from coaching makes a big difference. My coach always makes sure I have a specific, attainable goal each week." - Alicia

"Accountability, encouragement, wisdom, humor... it's an opportunity to check in with my squad! No one supports me like my coach and classmates!" - Karen


Ready to work with a health coach?


The benefits of health coaching are undeniable. Interested in working with an HMR health coach to get started on the path to a healthier lifestyle? Our health coaches are ready to walk with you as you invest in your health.


Just let them know when to tie up their laces and one of our health coaches will get you started!


HMR and all of our health coaches are passionate about leading you through your fitness journey to create lasting lifestyle changes.

You can join the program here or add group or 1-on-1 coaching to your existing plan, which you can access in My Account on the website or in your HMR app.


Try HMR's science-based weight-loss program and see the results for yourself. 


You can lose 3x more weight working with a coach than trying on your own!
