Getting Started

What to Expect Week 1 on the HMR Diet

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HMR Team
May 14, 2024
Whether you’ve already joined HMR, or you’re thinking about joining, you might be wondering what you can expect as you get started.

The most important thing is to eat all of the food on your diet plan every single day. We’ll be focusing on the Healthy Solutions diet plan, which is 3 HMR Shakes, 2 HMR Entrees, and 5 servings of fruits & vegetables each day. If you’re doing the Decision-Free diet through an HMR Program affiliate near you, please check with your local program staff regarding your specific diet plan. 

The next most important thing is to stay 100% “In the Box”. This means eating only the food on your plan, and nothing else, unless they are diet-approved condiments, beverages, or other flavorings.

Here are a few things to know, plus some helpful tips, for your first week on the HMR diet:

You’re going to be eating a lot of food 
3 shakes, 2 entrees, and 5 servings of fruits and vegetables can feel like a lot of food to fit in every single day. The high-volume, nutrient-dense foods on the diet are designed to keep you full and satisfied, while supporting fast weight loss. But if you’re struggling to fit everything in, here are some things you can do to make it easier.

Because you’re eating so much high-volume food with high fiber content, it’s normal to experience some bloating or digestive changes – we’ll spare you the details! If you experience discomfort – try these tips:

  • Drink water throughout the day to support digestion
  • Enjoy your meals sitting down and eat slowly 
  • Replace 1-2 of your daily shakes with lower volume options like HMR 70 Plus Pudding or HMR Cereal  
  • It can take some time for your body to adjust to this new diet, but if discomfort continues for more than a week or so, try switching to the 70 Plus Lactose-Free Shakes (you might have a lactose sensitivity that you didn’t know about)

You may struggle fitting in all of the food

So you ate most of your food, it’s the end of the day and you’re feeling full. Should you have your final shake or skip it? It’s a simple answer… Have the shake! One of the most important things you should do to have success on the diet is to eat all of the food on your daily diet plan because the structure of the plan will help you stick to the diet to lose weight quickly, and provides your body with the complete nutrition it needs. If you’re struggling, here are some tips:

  • Eat something early and then make a plan for the day, including what you will eat and when you will fit in all of your shakes, entrees, and fruits/veggies. You may need to change your typical eating schedule to fit everything in. Try the “breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert” planning format. Eating something every couple of hours can help keep you on track.
  • Double up! Combine 2 shakes or 2 entrees together, pair veggies with entrees, and fruit with shakes. 
  • Try lower volume options like 70 Plus Pudding, Cereal, or a low-volume hot shake.

You can lose weight right away – here’s how!

Stick to the daily plan (3 shakes, 2 entrees, and 5 servings of fruits and vegetables), and stay “in the box”. This will help you lose more weight and reach your goal faster!
Weigh yourself just once a week and track it in your HMR app. Since weight can fluctuate (due to water retention, medications, exercise, etc.), weigh yourself once a week (preferably same day and around the same time each week) 

You’ll discover which foods you like, and which ones are not your favorite

Now is the time to experiment and try different HMR foods and then plan ahead for your next order. Edit your next order on your HMR account to include your favorites, and remove what you didn’t like. 

This is a huge adjustment – and you’ll need to tolerate change

You’re embarking on a journey to lose weight and improve your health, and there will be challenges along the way. Remember that the diet phase of the program isn’t forever. The more you stick to the diet and stay “in the box”, the sooner you’ll reach your weight-loss goal. You can do this! 

You will experience challenges – we’ve got your back!

As you’re getting started, you’ll likely encounter challenges around social events, travel, food temptations, and unsupportive environments. The best way to get support and learn strategies to handle these challenges is to join free weekly group coaching, or you can join 1-on-1 coaching for more personalized support. You can also get ideas and ask questions from members and HMR Coaches in the HMR Diet Community Support Facebook group.

We are thrilled to support you on this new journey to a healthier version of you! 
